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Streamatron 2022



Donated to:

Veliko srce malom srcu

Giving back to our community is one of our main missions, and it is very important for us to celebrate our successful year by helping those in need.

As Christmas time came, we organized one of our favorite projects: the Xmas Charity Streamatron. A 12-hour-long live stream was broadcasted on our official Twitch channel, where we hosted many interesting guests from the industry as well as a few celebrities like Dr. Natko Beck, Sett, and Bakistuta. Through incentives and donation goals we have created memorable moments, highlight-worthy clips and most importantly collected €2,900 for little fighters and their representatives of a charity called Veliko srce malom srcu!  

Take a look at the Good Game Show YouTube channel, see how it went down, and join us on the next one!

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Streamatron 2022 - Highlights

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